Most entrepreneurs are addicted to being busy, and when you add to that the overwhelmed sensation that you have so many things on your plate, what we actually do, it's that we add more fuel to the fire, and accelerate more, we add more things to do because for some odd reason we believe that if we add more things to do and we do them fast, we can do anything…
Isn't it funny??
Believing that if we add more, we accomplish more??
And I completely get it. I did that in my corporate job, I have friends that are not entrepreneurs and do it, I have clients that struggle with this right now after we have gone through one of the biggest pauses the world has given us with this pandemic….
And I get it, because we’ve all been through this big pause… Right now we want to do everything we have not been able to do all these months...we feel we need to catch up, stay up late working…
but not only that if you haven't been posting on social media, now you’re overwhelming yourself with posting more to be more visible..
If you haven’t hired help until now, now you’re probably rushing to hire, websites, emails, pushing sales, the social media company, your marketing
Everything is full speed…
And the way I see it, and sorry to give my 2 cents here, I believe the world has given us the chance to do things in a different way… to do things differently, at a much calmer pace… and I don't mean slow, I mean to really focus on the things that really matter and that need your attention.
Overwhelmed is a feeling and an estate of mind, and as businesses around us are beginning to open at almost full capacity, and we’re sort of returning to normal… our levels of overwhelm will increase if we let them.
So, here are a few reset buttons I applied. I feel the shit is hitting the fan and I’m going out of control… and I feel I want to get off from the hamster wheel of overwhelm.
Disconnect from social media maybe for a couple of hours or even for a couple of days.
Cancel meeting that are not important
Take a couple of personal days - I usually now take Mondays and Fridays as my slow days
Work with your phone far from you
Get out for a walk even if its around the block
Take a deep breath and sit in silence at least 10 minutes
Start your morning slowly
Because it is in those moments when you slow down it's really when you gain control…
You’ll notice the world it's still going on and working fine without you, and in the calm you will see what your path is moving forward
I’ve always remembered the saying the hurrier I go, the behinder I get, because it grounds me and keeps me present, when my head is going a million revolutions per minute!!
So, are you going to continue to add more garbage to your brain? Or are you ready to recognize that when you’re feeling overwhelmed you need to pause and regroup??
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