Hey there 👋
Today, I want to talk about the different elements every landing page should have for effective lead generation. Listen to the episode ↓
As you know last week we spoke about email, well without a good landing page you can’t get these leads. And would like to give the simple formula how to create your landing page.
Let's get one thing straight, the landing page we'll be talking about today it's only for leads. It is not your sales page because we're not selling anything here!
A sales page is a sales page and we want to land on this page an opt-in or a sign-up to something that we are providing like a lead magnet or a freebie, or a webinar or a free call or a workshop, anything that is free!
The hero section or above the fold. This is the space you first see, where everything is there. Title, subtitle, image, CTA proof. It has no menu, that’s why it's called a landing page. No distractions, very simple and straightforward, just what you need.
Your headline needs to emphasize value, show a pain point or struggle they have and show them the transformation. Here’s a simple headline example how you can do that:
The X-Step Method to ________ without ______(common objection)_____
Discover How to __________ So You Can Finally __________________
How One ____(specific avatar)_____Went From _____ to _______ Without ____________
Your subheadline should explain what you provide to get that result.
As for the CTA you could add a button that says: send me my freebie! Link it to your freebie and add a line below saying something like “we won't share your information with anyone.”
The image that appears in the header should never be just a picture of you. If it's a digital product showing what’s inside, or have someone showing the transformation of that service. It could be something like this ↓

When showcasing and talking about the benefits of your lead magnet/freebie, you should include all the features that are included in your offer, and then ask yourself why should people care about this?
If you add 3 columns with an image or illustration on top + title and answer the question what feature makes this benefit possible. You’ll have a higher conversion rate, because studies show that having an image with text combined together has an 80% higher chance to being read.
Then just below the benefits you want to add social proof. These can be logos of the companies you’ve worked with, testimonials from your clients, logos of publications where your company has been featured. Statistics of how many people you’ve helped or how many people have downloaded your freebie.
Then last but not least I would have a Q&A section and what this actually does is help you bust myths, and simply address any objections they might have about your service. Come up with at least 5 to 6 objections like time, money and turn them into questions and answer them!
Now, the last thing we want is to add again the signup and CTA and maybe the image one last chance for them to sign up so they don't have to scroll all the way up.
Hope you found this blog post useful, send me a DM on any of my social media profiles if you have any questions.
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