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Enrich your mind. Design your path. Build your goals.


Repeating old ways, won’t give you Visibility, shifting your Mindset Will

If what you are doing right now is not working, your mindset needs to shift right away and your level of awareness needs to grow.

What I mean by this is that, if you’re continuing to create the same strategies, package your services the same the way, your promotions are all the same.

Since let’s say a year and you’re not getting any traction,

It’s because the world around you has changed and you have stayed stuck and you’re remaining to be the same…

And that is definitely a problem...

Because you’re approaching your business as a math problem and not as science experiment

A math problem is straightforward and it's 1+1 =2 right?

And when you’re doing the same thing over and over again, and you’re repeating what you were doing before… you’re not evolving.

But when you’re aware and you’re noticing and experimenting and you realize that you need to adapt, that you need to change the ingredients to secret sauce or into your unique solution.

Again business and life it's not a math problem like I said 1+ 1 =2...

if you’ve been doing something really good you can’t expect to rinse and repeat and to still be working the same way when you started,

because the environment, all the different aspects, changes and circumstances happening around your business, your industry or even industry norms…it does not work anymore.

You’re not relatable, you’re not relevant and unfortunately not many people take this into consideration.

But let me tell you a little bit more, I bet you know that your services are individualized; they are unique to that one person, or that company that you give your services to and they buy from you.

And let’s say you put a promotion or a piece of content out into the world and when you did,

It did not have the impact of result you were hoping for…

and let me tell you I know plenty about this…

I have put out content or I’ve created services, courses that have flopped and the moment I have released them I knew there was an immediate disconnect… because I was stuck in a mental rut…or many other factors

And what I’ve come to realize is that what we’re doing, is we’re putting out things like a math problem,

we’re actually not testing it like a science experiment because the outcome or the results are unknown and most people are afraid of that.

And I really ask you?

How many of you are treating your business and your life as a math problem instead of a science experiment?

And how many times are you taking the action and walking into the unknown and getting the results??

The moment you start getting those results because you’re not afraid of your fears, judgments you will get a new level of awareness.

And this part takes me to convenience…

We want things done for us, we don't want to do the work ourselves most of the time… and this reminds me when I was an image consultant…

and still until this day with my own clients… people want to know how to do it step by step or know exactly how to dress or combine their clothes… and something I would always say before and I still do until this day and is NOT tell them what to do…

I always ask them how does that makes you feel?

Do you feel comfortable taking that choice?

If you knew the answer, what would that answer look like??

And sure, I get comments like - if people are asking and paying for your services shouldn't you give them a straight answer?? You should help them??

And the truth is I’m helping them by not giving them the answer…

The reason they think they need the answer is because or that there is an answer it's because they look at it as a math problem! 1+ 1 =2 and the simplest answer is no…

You need to uncover what that is…

You need to find out if that is really you, is that really your values, is it your beliefs?

When you self-discover what that is

and have the personal power to put it out there

and don't take it as a failure if we don't get the results that we want

we take it a science experiment and we look for new ingredients and actually that raises your awareness and no one else teaches this…

And this is something we’re doing in my business right now,

and my team knows that everything that we’re putting out is because we’re testing…

we’re not doing anything as a rinse and repeat…

and when I see the rinse and repeat, I know we’re not being true to our brand, our values, we’re not connecting on a deeper level, we’re not pushing the business to be different from a sea of businesses similar to mine.

And that is because I want to evolve,

I want to create from a different place,

I want to change the environment around me but I want to lead so the environment is changing to me…

and that only comes from new levels of awareness.

And you start taking action because you’re aware that what you’re doing is an experiment

that action is giving you new levels of awareness of what is actually going on, and It's going to allow you to make deeper connections…

But not only that, as time goes by and we see patterns repeat in your environment, in your industry and in your business,

your level of awareness is prepared to take actions…

you get to better prepare, you get to create something that is more powerful that’s going to benefit you more

but that only came from treating your life and your business as a science experiment…

because you’ve been noticing, you’ve been documenting, you’re curious, you’re not following other people's strategies and other peoples promotions, you’re questioning everything you’ve been told

Because you’re self discovering who you’re, what you want, what you believe, not listening to everyone else's opinions

And yes, you will have people around that when you start talking about what you

and how you see your business go, they will not understand what you mean, and even think you’re fucking crazy… but you’re NOT!

So I want you to ask yourself, are there patterns, structures in your life and in your business that you’re doing some rinse and repeat??

Is there room in your mind and in your thinking that you should be treating something as an experiment especially if you’re not getting traction and do some experiments?

And when you’re doing that you’re not punishing yourself that you’re failing you’re simply testing things out…

And I want to leave you with this…

If you allow yourself to test, it will take you to places that are only dreams right now, it will give you internal freedom, it will give you power, and I don't mean power over other people but personal power, and it will give you the mental freedom to create the most unbelievable things that you didn't think you were capable of creating.

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(V) Veronica Di Polo was born in Caracas, Venezuela raised in Europe, now lives and runs her business in the beautiful coastal Mediterranean town of Moraira.


For more than + 15 years V has strengthen her expertise to help teach visible service entrepreneurs how to build and promote their business with clear marketing and messaging through courses and trainings like her signature program Visibility On Social Selling, other programs like Nail your Messaging or The Netflix Effect Website , as well as many other business-building trainings inside of V’s abundant Freebie library.

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